

Conceiving, planning, fundraising, producing and filming a block of films like this generated lots of documents that will be of interest to some of you and they can be found here.


We do not work to scripts and we change our focus depending on what has just happened and what we have seen, but still we need a guide, a direction, we need to tell a story. The story may change, it may get destroyed by facts, but still we need a direction, otherwise we are just 5 guys milling around in a field. These are the ‘Stories‘ of our films.

Film specifications

A very important part of this is not just how we present our films but the equipment we use. Naturally some people disagree with what choices we made for equipment or how we set up the tests, but importantly we try to give as much information as possible, to allow you to decide if what you are seeing is valid.  We tell you everything and hide nothing. See our full list of Test parameters and equipment specifications for AvA2.

Four films – long version

Shortly after the first film in 2019, we started to discuss what we would film next and this is an early document showing our direction of thinking. Four films

Kickstarter Words

Shortly after the first film in 2019, we started to discuss what we would film next and this is an early document showing our direction of thinking. Kick Starter Words

Making our pitch for funding as good as it could be was of course very important and we worked very hard to explain our vision. This was version 9, our final draft.

As part of this pitch was our promotional film:

Call Sheet

When you organise a film shoot, everyone needs to know all the details and what they are doing, where they are doing it and what everyone else is doing and that is a ‘Call Sheet‘. Some details redacted.

Shot list

Our filming days were rammed and so we absolutely needed a ‘shot list‘, without this making sure we filmed everything we needed to would be very hard. Our ‘Stories’ helped us plan the days and construct this schedule.


The full filming, contributor and supplier Credits of Arrows Vs Armour 2

Social Media Words

The internet can be a dark place, but we have found that by being pleasant, open and receptive, it generally allows conversation to flourish and disarms trolls – that is the AvA way. This is a guide that was sent out to interested parties with words and engagement philosophy. Social Media Words


Mike and I conceived of Arrows Vs Armour whilst sitting around some (very good) campfires in Suffolk. This explains how the project came about and our Philosophy behind it. This was written for this website and is not an original document.

On the effects of the English longbow against armour in the XIVth and XVth century

This article has been prepared by Augusto Boer Bront by compiling existing period descriptions of what longbows did to armour and what the knights experienced at the time. He looked at different manuscripts and the opinions and observations of the chroniclers at the time and added his interpretations.

On the effects of the English longbow against armour in the XIVth and XVth century


For more than two centuries laws were passed specifying details about arrows purchased by the crown; these are all the laws we still have records of. This document has been prepared by Matt Easton of the Schola Gladiatoria channel and fight school and he has generously allowed it to be posted here. 

Read the document here:

By Matt Easton
Published on and Scholagladiatoria – YouTube Channel, December 2022


Four Films


Call Sheet



